The King is coming very soon. He is coming to take away his redeemed children to attend the greatest wedding heaven and earth have ever seen. But as in the parable of the ten virgins, many of the people for whom he is coming, have become tired of waiting. Some of them have spoiled the splendid garments of righteousness that they should be wearing with that which God hates most – sin.
It is time to take practical steps to move forward in righteousness. This devotional can help you to do exactly that. You can use the Text and Content for your morning devotion. During your free period in the afternoon, occupy yourself with the Memory Verse and Action Point assignment. Before going to bed, spend time to read through the portions from the Bible in one year.
Before you lies yet another year, filled with 366 opportunities to discover God’s powerful presence in your life. Wake up from your spiritual sleep! Get up and get going! God wants to show you the Way. Spend time with the Lord and he will draw near to you. Pray down his power on you as an individual and on the body of Christ, and prepare to experience the fulfillment of his promise – a force far greater than any of your problems. Break the bonds of sin. Live a life of Love. His plan for you is perfect. He longs to make you pure. He asks only for you willingness and obedience, and offers you abundant blessing.
When you read you skim the surface. When you study, you discover the treasure. The road may be rocky, but God is the steadfast Rock you can hold onto. Trust him to teach you. Apply the principles in Open Heavens in your life and discover the exhilaration of life in God’s kingdom.